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9 Creative Ways to Post on Social Media for Business Without Coming Off Spammy

9 Creative Ways to Post on Social Media for Business Without Coming Off Spammy

The other day I was helping promote an event for a non-profit. As a board of director on the fundraising committee, I was delegated the task of hanging posters on bulletin boards across Regina to assist in the promotion. It was a first for me. As I became acquainted with the bulletin boards the city had to offer and admired other local events—I couldn’t help but question if this was the best way to promote it. Afterall, a few clicks on social media would be quicker and reach more people in a broader geographical location.

It’s obvious I’m not the only one who thinks this way. Businesses are popping up on all social networks alike to market their products and services.

At this point my wheels were turning. I wanted to know more. So, I took to Google and stumbled upon some statistics that are compelling with the potential reach businesses can have when marketing on social media to Canadians.

  • 94% of Canadians use some form of social media in their day-to-day lives. 
  • Canadians on average use six different social networks and spend one hour and fifty three minutes on these networks daily.

These statistics don’t come as a surprise. I’ve started noticing a perplexing trend over the past 10 years managing social media accounts for businesses. It seems some businesses have forgotten unspoken rules on sharing content on social media. They’ve forgotten how to blend in with everyday content and are sticking out in a bad way.

Canadians don’t engage in social media daily to be marketed to.

So, I pulled together 9 Creative Ways to Post on Social Media for Business Without Coming Off Spammy:


  1. Share your knowledge

Sometimes business owners are hesitant to share industry tips and trends. This is an outdated view that has no place on social media for business. What sharing knowledge will really do for you and your business is help reinforce you and your company as an industry expert. It will likely help you build and establish a following that values your expertise—and convert into sales down the road.


  1. Share your people

Countless forums share that dogs and cats perform best on social media networks. And by no means is that untrue. However, I have discovered in the past decade that people also perform exceptionally well and garner a lot of engagement! Your audience wants to see the people in your business/organization and hear about their achievements and accomplishments. Give the people what they want! In the most candid way possible of course.


  1. Share other elements of your product or service

What’s the process that goes on behind crafting your candles? When you get an order for your sunglass straps, then what? What happens when a business engages in your company’s services and a relationship is developed? People want to feel a connection to your product or service. What better way to start than take them on that journey visually?


  1. Share your values

Does your business dedicate time toward volunteering for an initiative aligned with your company’s values? What is it? Your audience wants to know your business’s values and what your business stands for through action. Instead of being told “these are our company’s values” (boring). Sharing your business’s involvement in the community is a great way to show and not tell. Afterall, seeing is believing.


  1. Share your partnerships and collaborations

Does your business partner or collaborate with other businesses to provide an exceptional product or service? Your online community is an extension of your offline. Why not share these partnerships and collaborations online? It demonstrates your activity in the community and can expand your reach if your partners and collaborators share your posts as well!


  1. Share your customers and clients posts

Do your customers share pictures of your products? Do your clients tag you in posts boasting what a great job your service was and how it changed them for the better? Share this! User generated content is free and is also social proof for others that your product or service is what you say it is.


  1. Share industry accomplishments

Has your company accomplished something major in the industry? Share it! This isn’t bragging: it’s showing your loyalty following the fruits of your labour and demonstrating that you’re a leader. It helps reinforce the products or services you provide and gives your customers reassurance that they are choosing the best of the best.


  1. Share your upskills

Are you or others at your company working on their own time to learn a new skill to create better products or provide a better service? Here’s a great way to show your customer-base that you’re committed to giving them the best service possible. That learning never stops and that you’re continuing to be the best versions of yourselves through courses and certificates.


  1. Share your failures

Did your business fail at something recently? A launch of a product, a new service offering or an expansion of locations? As awful as they may seem to you and your business, failures are relatable. Sharing when something didn’t go as planned adds a human element to your brand and will entice your following to continue to engage.


There! Now you can cultivate a loyal following that will purchase your products and services for many years to come with nine creative ways to post on social media for business. 

Unsure which social media platforms are the right fit for your business? Take a look at Succeeding at Social Media in Regina by Discovering Which Social Media Platforms are a Match for Your Business here. 



Ask the right questions before hiring a social media manager for your business. If your company is seeking more information on Grey Dove Design House's Social Media Management Services in Regina, or just want to talk shop, contact us. Call us at 306.502.5778 or send us a line here.

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