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Grey Dove Design House

Fueled by a passion and love for marketing and social media, Grey Dove Design House has been helping small to medium-sized businesses in Saskatchewan improve their online presence for more than eight years. Our social media services help our clients genuinely connect with customers, allowing them to create brand awareness, increase sales, and tell their stories in a meaningful way. 

Driven by strategy and analytics, everything we do at GDDH is constantly evaluated and fine-tuned to find the social media sweet spot for your company or organization. We will help position you as an industry expert, building trust and credibility amongst consumers. While we have fun doing what we do, when it comes to social media, we mean business.

We're The Real Deal

Founded by Sarah March, Grey Dove Design House grew organically into the full-service social media marketing company we are now as a well-respected name across all of Saskatchewan. When it quickly became evident how valuable Sarah’s social media and marketing expertise was to small and medium-sized businesses within Regina and Saskatchewan, the idea to turn her passion into something bigger took hold. Just two years after venturing out on her own, Grey Dove Design House was born into existence. 

Deeply committed to our clients and fully invested in both their successes and failures, Grey Dove Design House is more than just a business partner. We are an ally and an extension of your marketing efforts. We work with your company to develop it’s message and story so it resonates with consumers, building the all-important trust your company needs to make an impression and drive sales. With us, your business can expect:

  • To be promoted in an effective and attractive way that amplifies your message in a tone that suits your brand
  • To develop an exceptional online and public presence
  • To be positioned as a trusted industry expert through thoughtful strategy

At Grey Dove Design House, we know there’s no “one-size-fits-all” approach to social media marketing. That’s why we take the time to know our clients and their business, so we can come up with a creative and honest strategy that will best achieve their goals. We don’t try to follow the pack or stand out simply for the sake of doing so. We find those strategies to be ineffective and disingenuous. Instead, we focus on transparent and real connections. And we do both so well because we’re true-blue to our values and client branding.

From Guesswork to Growth: Transform Your Social Media Game From A Hot Mess To A 24/7 Sales Machine!

Transform your social media strategy from guesswork to mastery with our 8-hour live course at Grey Dove Design House. Say goodbye to random posts and hello to a systematic approach, broken down into four manageable 2-hour weekly sessions.

Don't miss out—limited spots remain; register now!

Who We Help

Grey Dove Design House specializes in helping small to medium-sized businesses with their social media. Whether you need us to fully manage every aspect of your social media accounts or would just like us to expertly set them up for you and provide comprehensive training for you and your staff, we have you covered on all fronts. 

We also help non-profits who are looking to effectively communicate their important messages to members and donors alike. Given the tight budgets, these organizations tend to operate under, having a dedicated social media manager who can improve their community outreach efforts and increase donations can be invaluable.

Lastly, we also help those ‘solopreneursor startups who just don’t have enough hours in the day to devote their time and efforts to social media. While these clients understand the importance and value of social media as it relates to their overall marketing efforts, they feel their time is better spent building other aspects of their business. We step in and take this important marketing function off their hands, allowing them to focus on what matters most to them and their business. 

What Makes Us Different

Social media has undergone a lot of changes over the past 10 years. To keep up with all the changes and trends, you need to be continually learning and on the lookout for the next big development. We have the dedication and passion to do just that. Instead of hiring a marketing agency that does social media, you want to choose a social media company that specializes in marketing. Grey Dove Design House is that company. 

At Grey Dove Design House we DON’T:

  • Sell one-size-fits-all social media packages
  • Piggyback on terms that are “trending”
  • Keep your analytics and data insights hidden from you
  • Ignore your input and requests
  • Dictate what you should be posting

We love working hand-in-hand with our clients to develop individualized social media strategies that speak to the business they have worked so hard to build. We are completely transparent about our results and are constantly analyzing and pivoting to produce better ones when strategies don’t meet their objectives. When you choose Grey Dove Design House for your social media needs, you’re choosing a company that is 100 percent committed to your success and one that is passionate about doing what it takes to get there.


90% of our clients have stuck with GDDH since first signing on. We truly love the people we work with and they were kind enough to leave us these glowing reviews. Take a moment to read through them so you can get a better idea of what it’s like to work with us and what you can expect for your business by doing so.

We Take Social Media Off Your Hands

Too busy running your business to worry about social media? We get it. Instead of neglecting this important marketing tool or doing it halfheartedly, have us put together a customized social media strategy that will make you even busier doing what matters most to you.

Contact us today to find out more about our concierge social media management services that will leave you with one less thing to worry about.

As Passionate About Social Media as You Are About Your Business

You’re passionate about your business. Shouldn’t you choose to work with a social media company that’s as passionate about what they do as you are? Grey Dove Design House eats, sleeps, and breathes social media and marketing. It’s our passion. It’s what we do best. Together, we can accomplish great things. 

If your business or non-profit needs full-service social media management, set up, or training, connect with us today by calling (306) 502-5778 or by filling out our online contact form. We can’t wait to help grow your business, amplify your message, and tell your brand’s story.

How It All Works

Nothing we do at Grey Dove Design House is left up to chance. We extensively research your business and its competitors to get an in-depth understanding of your industry so we can help you stand out within it. Once we put together a calendar and start posting, it’s time to analyze the results and pivot as necessary to achieve optimal social media results for your company. Here’s a closer look at our step-by-step process.

About Grey Dove Design House

About Grey Dove Design House

Grey Dove Design House specializes in social media and marketing. We’re passionate about the work we do and this translates into great results for our clients. Because when they win, we win. If you need to grow your online presence, brand, and business in Regina or Saskatchewan, then we’re the company you need telling your story.

Don’t Lose Sales Because of Social Media

Did you know 78% of consumer purchases are impacted by the social media posts of companies? If your social media presence is lacking or nonexistent, then you’re losing out on a lot of business. Let us help fix that for you. Either fill out the form below or give us a call at (306) 502-5778 to get in touch with us today.

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